About Me

Hello, It’s Avery Sunshine.

I am so excited to meet you. After 42 years of barely surviving and struggling through my life, I FINALLY CRACKED THE CODE! I’ve stepped out of the darkness and into the light to create the life of my dreams.

I carried a lot of childhood trauma with me into my adult years as well as struggled with social anxiety. I also helped my two daughters rise above and overcome social anxiety and selective mutism.

As a former “QUEEN” of unhealthy negative self talk, I’m here to tell you that how you talk to yourself CAN be changed!

If you struggle with selective mutism, social anxiety or any other way of holding your voice back, let me help you by sharing my journey, and what I’ve learned.

About Me

Let me pass on the instruments so that you can ROCK’EM too!

If I can do it, there is NO question in my mind that YOU can too.

If you’re reading this you may be wondering what the hell is holding you back? I’m here to help you step out of the darkness and into YOUR light, so that YOU can OWN your voice and create that life your heart longs for. Let’s get started, YOU GOT THIS!

About Me

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Get ready to be inspired and motivated as I share my own real life journey with all of you as well as some powerful tools and practices.
Many topics will be addressed, and I will share both my wins and my obstacles so that we can all grow and learn together!

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